The agricultural sector plays an important role in the development of our country. Currently, the sector accounts for 20% of the whole country’s economy. According to reports, the GDP share of the sector came into the picture only after the 1950s. In short, the incline wasn’t gradual despite the hard work of the farmers at that time. The situation even kept on reflecting in the recent reports published in 2011. Lack of smart technologies was one of the many reasons that accounted for such behavior. For the past few years, various technologies like artificial intelligence introduced and implemented in fields thus to improve their productivity and output. With the limited expense of labor and time, such ideas have proven to be very much efficient.
How Smart Work Enabled?
As discussed, a smart way of approach promotes better workplace and productivity. How these techniques implemented in fields? In fact, artificial intelligence is the new face of technology making a breakthrough in the primary sector. Consequently, field analysis, seasonal forecasting, etc. are the common applications of this technique making it impossible possible using limited resources. Also, such techniques are enabling through visually intelligent techniques like computer vision technology and other monitoring techniques.
Monitoring devices on the field help to sample and analyze the distribution of soil and other weather conditions. Likewise, these smart modules are capable of interpreting the current scenarios and predict the possible future. This helps the farmers make the right decision, and so improve their yield of crops. As well as, Various startups like Intello labs and fasal have enabled such technologies already with the help of artificial intelligence!
Implementation of computer vision technology has made mobile applications like plantix possible. Moreover, artificial intelligence model serves the purpose of detecting weeds and diseases in plants. Certainly, All one has to do is to get a clear picture of the plant from which the deficiency can be detected.
2020 Advances
Blue River Technology
Technology helps farmers by protecting their crops and weeds through artificial intelligence automation and robotics. To illustrate, “see and spray” technology – A camera installed in a machine detects every plant in a field, hence provide plant by plant care.
Developing Optimum Irrigation Schedule
For a turning to an artificial intelligence development on agri-tech, researchers create an optimal irrigation schedule. Certainly, to get the best yield we want to supply the right amount of water to agriculture fields. Autonomous irrigation system, Identify the overwatered or underwatered areas and therefore helps to reduce excessive waste of water.

Harvesting Robots for Picking Fruits
The harvesting robot was first developed in Europe. Autonomous robots that will replace humans in processes with artificial intelligence-driven sensors. As a result, Robots pick fruits automatically under certain environmental conditions. The robot design to replace the manual work in harvesting the fruits. To clarify, Let’s see an example video regarding an autonomous robot picking fruits from plants by using artificial intelligence. Look at: https://youtu.be/HxbgkU5X8oQ.
INFOLKS in Agri-Tech
In conclusion, with the rising implementation of various artificial and non-artificial intelligence techniques, our services are much concerned about aiding visually intelligent techniques in the AgriTech industry. Computer vision technology requires rigorous training for the efficient performance of these models. At Infolks, we help the companies process the best training data for their models. Quality datasets which create from both sample images and videos obtained from the fields.
Therefore, Ever planning to outsmart technologies in agriculture fields? Connect with us to get it done efficiently.