Do you think about the work-life of differently abled people? Are they getting a normal life like others? The society we live in is a very materialistic one. It easily judges a person on his/her physical appearance and makes a superficial idea about that person. Everyone has something unique about them, as well as some flaws, and people with special abilities are no exception. Disability is a matter of perception.
Break the Barriers, Everyone Matters
Usually differently abled people are forced to live in enclosure. Let be a reason to bring them forward and give them wings to fly. We may admit or not, but most of us lack the basic courtesy that we all should be displaying. We call ourselves educated, but we do not even bother to offer a seat to a pregnant lady or an elderly person while traveling in any public transport. So what can be expected from us for the specially abled?
When considering the employment sector, most of the companies or workplaces rejected differently abled peoples due to their disability. Disability is still a barrier to employment for millions of people. Employers only look into their disability, not considering their special abilities.
There are 70-80 million differently abled people in India. All our workplaces should be disabled-friendly for them. Unlike others, if we provide proper training they will give the best results using their full potential. It is essential to change our mentality and perception towards differently abled people. Companies should start hiring more differently abled people in their verticals. So that specially abled persons should learn skills, instead of regretting about their disability.
Meet Our Special Team
Do IT companies offer jobs for deaf and mute people? Is it possible for them to be a part of the corporate world? Differently abled people have nothing to do, especially when it comes to IT jobs. Almost every people have this misunderstanding. Right? Here is your answer. Come, let’s meet some of our employees.
Padmapriya, she is an inspiring personality. Four years back, in 2018, she met with a horrific accident, which resulted in the amputation of her leg. The circumstances could not put her down. She conquered her dreams with her prosthetic leg and most importantly determination.

Jamshad, the senior most among our special team. Now Jamshad gives training to newly joined special employees.

Anshar is suffering from Cerebral Palsy. That doesn’t stop him from anything.

Shafeeq and Anitha. They are the smallest among us in terms of height, but biggest in mindset. They are the backbone of their family and won’t ready to give up.

Our MD once said:
Jamshad approached me six years ago and asked for a job. He is deaf-mute. I had no idea how to interview him. But I was still willing to take the chance. Even after 6 years, he continues to amaze me, not just by developing his career, but also by bringing his friends and giving them a normal life. My ultimate goal and dream is to build a huge team of individuals with different abilities and become a role model for the rest of the world.
-MUJEEB KOLASSERI | Founder, MD & CEO of Infolks Group
Padmapriya, Jamshad, Anshar, Shafeeq, and Anitha are few of them in our special team. Today, 30+ differently abled employees are working in our 3 offices. They proved that disability is just a different way of living and it doesn’t obstruct/weaken skills. We think that’s something we can all learn from them, to never give up despite the challenges, and go forward in life. Every one of us can shine if we believe in ourselves and never give up our dreams.
Remove Barriers and Unlock the Possibilities
Everyone has the right to meaningful employment. One of the biggest obstacles for people with a disability looking for work is simply the fears of potential employers. Here at Infolks, what people can do that only matters. That makes Infolks Group unique from other companies.
Iam glad of you. Dears, hope you can change the mindset of our society with great efforts. We are eagerly waiting for your great results 😊
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