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Ground Truth Data for Aerial Applications

Aerial imagery annotation is required when the computer vision model need training data of aerial images. It is the labeling of images captured from drones and other related sources using various kinds of annotation techniques.

Ground Truth Data for Aerial Applications

Aerial imagery annotation is required when the computer vision model need training data of aerial images. It is the labeling of images captured from drones and other related sources using various kinds of annotation techniques


Inspections are now characterised by drones, especially in industries. We label people, objects and other field equipment in aerial images captured by drones using various annotation techniques.

Bounding Box Image Annotation

Disaster Management

We analyse pre and post aerial images of disaster-hit locations and label structures like buildings, ports, utility sheds, etc. for enabling smart and effective disaster management projects.

Field Analysis

We analyse aerial images of agricultural fields captured by drones and label them using semantic segmentation technique.

Bounding Box Image Annotation

Geospatial Analysis

With our annotation services, you can analyse and label spatial data like satellite images and visual GPS data. We label clusters of buildings, fields, forests, etc.